What Materials Are Used in Dock Construction?
Blindbolt NZ | 7th December 2020
Marine Dock
Dock construction plays a vital role in the global marine industry. Docks, by their very nature, connect the land to the water, and so they need to be strong, durable and, more than anything else, safe. Despite these constraints, there is a range of materials that can be used for the construction of dock pilings, and they all come with good and bad points. Just as important as the materials chosen for dock construction is how those materials are fitted together. The safest and most secure option for fixing marine pilings is the use of blind bolt fixings.
Of the natural materials which can be used for dock pilings, the most popular is wood. It is a particularly apt choice for anyone who wants the finished dock to have a particular visual impact, as it blends attractively with the natural environment. The wood being used needs to be treated meticulously before installation because any untreated wood used for a dock placed near water will soon begin to rot. The best woods to use are hardwoods, as they are particularly able to maintain structural integrity while being in contact with water.
Although it may lack the visual appeal of wood, concrete is perfectly suited to the job of building a dock, particularly if the concrete in question has been reinforced with steel girders. If used properly, concrete is immune to damage from contact with water, which has the added advantage of making sure that it doesn’t impact on the quality of that water.
The sturdiest strongest option available for constructing docks is steel, which makes it the most popular choice for the marine industry in general and commercial docks in particular. Using blind bolts to fasten the steel, combined with the weight and toughness of the material, creates a dock which is up to the job of coping with anything which is thrown at it while still being stable and sturdy.
The issues a dock will have to deal with include one-off storms and the wear and tear of constant use. Once in place, a steel dock is difficult to damage, destroy or shift and the steel itself will be impervious to corrosion, all of which means that the dock as a whole requires very little maintenance.
Blind Bolts
Even though steel is one of the best materials to use, installing steel piles can still be extremely difficult. The problems involve the sheer scale of the construction material itself, and the fact that much of the work has to take place in the water itself. Blind bolts have a key role to play within the marine industry, making sure that the finished docks are structurally sound.
The major benefit of a blind bolt is that it can be installed from one side of a piece of steel using a quick, simple method. In many dock construction projects, the position of the connection needed may be difficult to reach or even completely inaccessible. A blind bolt not only creates a structural connection which meets BS 5950, it also enables construction which prioritises contractor safety.
Using blind bolt fasteners, contractors are able to construct steel docking piles which are sturdy and safe while cutting personal risk to an absolute minimum.
What to Take Away
The use of blind bolts across a range of different industries underlines just how important they are to the future of the construction industry as a whole. Here at BlindBolt, we’re always trying to find new ways of improving our fixings as well as exploring new ways in which they can be used to save time and money across a range of industries.
If you want to find out more about how blind bolts are used within the marine industry and a range of other industries, get in touch with a member of the BlindBolt team today on 0800 507 444 or send us an email on enquiries@blindbolt.co.nz. Alternatively, you can contact a member of our team by using the contact form below. We look forward to hearing from you.
The Blind Bolt