What Is the Difference Between A Blind Bolt and A Blind Rivet?
Blindbolt NZ | 2nd September 2020
Blind Bolts
Blind rivets can be the ideal solution when you need to securely fasten metal onto metal or other materials such as plastic and wood. The fact that blind rivets offer more strength than traditional rivets means that they are perfect for situations in which a more secure joint is needed. In fact, it is possible to source blind rivets which have been manufactured from titanium offering shear strength of an incredible 90 KSI, which makes them twice as strong as a standard blind rivet. Whether you use blind bolts or blind rivets, they can be applied from just one surface of the materials being joined, which is why the term ‘blind’ is used. In contrast to this, standard machine bolts and rivets make it necessary to access both sides to complete the join effectively.
Using A Blind Rivet
Take a look at a blind rivet and you’ll see two pieces. These pieces consist of the body of the rivet itself and the mandrel within that rivet. Once a hole has been drilled through the two pieces of material, the rivet can be inserted. Using a custom installation tool you can then fit the mandrel, and pulling on this creates a bulge which ‘sets’ the rivet and securely joins the two materials. The exposed mandrel then breaks off within the rivet itself. According to the specific nature of the task in hand, you can select from a range of blind rivets utilising different head shapes and metal composites, each of which will be suited to differing requirements in terms of strength and resistance to corrosion.
Metals such as aluminium, steel and stainless steel offer a huge range of options. This is boosted by the fact that blind rivets are easy to install, can resist corrosion and don’t mark the surfaces to which they are being applied. For example, a blind rivet with a backup washer is ideal for softer materials, while an open-ended or close-ended rivet might offer protection against liquid intrusion. The security offered by blind rivets of this kind makes them the ideal choice for a wide range of industrial applications. To ensure effectiveness, however, we offer advice on issues such as the grip range – this is a measurement which varies from case to case, and getting it wrong will impact on the integrity of the joint created.
Using A Blind Bolt
Blind bolts can be utilized in many ways within construction industries, particularly for those tasks which would otherwise be problematic, such as fixing onto the cavity of a girder or a boxed section. The different tensile and shear strengths offered by the range of blind bolts makes them ideal for use with a wide range of material thicknesses. All of which means that as well as being secure blind bolts are hugely versatile.
If you’re searching for efficient and neat applications across a wide range of industries then blind bolts are the answer. Simply analyse the job in hand, and make sure that you choose the right blind bolts and rivets to ensure a finished job which combines strength with quality.
Bolted Shut
Get in touch with us for advice on construction and tips on the blind bolts and rivets to use. We’re always finding new ways of utilising our products, as well as working to improve them in order to save time and money for our customers and maximise quality and value.
Interested in finding out more about our blind bolts and how they work? Get in touch with a member of our team today on 0800 507 444 or email us on enquiries@blindbolt.co.nz. We look forward to hearing from you.
The Blind Bolt